I bought two different flex-a-tones off ebay: a small, brass one, and a larger one off Amazon. I don't want that wacky, wobbly sound, though. I just want a 'doing' sound, like so.
On one of them, I removed the bottom beater and on the other one, I removed the top beater. I've tried putting a rubber band around the flex part, so my thumb doesn't mute the metal. I've tried striking it with a separate mallet, because when I hit it hard with the attached beater, it ricochets back and hits the metal multiple times.
So how do I get the sound I want out of this instrument? Do I need to get the deluxe LP version and remove the beaters? What's the trick?
On one of them, I removed the bottom beater and on the other one, I removed the top beater. I've tried putting a rubber band around the flex part, so my thumb doesn't mute the metal. I've tried striking it with a separate mallet, because when I hit it hard with the attached beater, it ricochets back and hits the metal multiple times.
So how do I get the sound I want out of this instrument? Do I need to get the deluxe LP version and remove the beaters? What's the trick?
Statistics: Posted by publicradio — Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:01 am